NL and PL

Natural language is the language spoken by people, while programming language is intended for machines.

Both languages contain important similarities, such as the differentiation they make between syntax and semantics, their purpose to communicate and the existence of a basic composition.

The two types were created to communicate ideas, expressions, and instructions.

the latter is stricter and less tolerant than the former. This happens because human languages have a built-in redundancy that allows some ambiguity to be resolved using context.

On the other hand, programming languages have practically no redundancy, otherwise, it would be very easy to fall into ambiguity and not indicate the correct command.

The fact that programming languages are stricter in this regard is due to the fact that computers are very precise in the instructions they like to receive. In addition, machines do not have the ability to clarify the meaning of an expression as a human being would.

It is also essential that programming languages are fixed and closed to avoid confusion, while natural languages are open and allow combinations without the same risk of making mistakes.

Naturalness: this means that its application in the area for which it was designed must be done naturally, providing operators, structures and syntax for operators to work efficiently.

Daniel Ross:

Programming languages are unambiguous, while natural languages are often multiply ambiguous and require interpretation in context to be fully understood (also why it’s so hard to get machines to understand them). Natural languages are also creative and allow poetry, metaphor and other interpretations. Programming does allow some variation in style, but the meaning is not flexible.

Natural languages consist of sentences, usually declarative sentences expressing information in a sequence. Programming languages typically are not declarative but procedural, giving instructions to the machine to do something (like commands in natural languages). Rarely, programming languages are declarative

自然语言的词汇充满了概念性的术语。编程语言的词汇通常只有 “语法”/功能 “词”,如基本注释,加上各种自定义命名的东西,如变量和函数。没有像你在字典里查到的表达 “爱 “或 “快乐 “或 “唱歌 “的词。
The vocabulary of natural languages is filled with conceptual terms. The vocabulary of programming languages is generally only ‘grammatical’/functional ‘words’ like basic comments, plus various custom-named things like variables and functions. There are no words like you’d look up in a dictionary to express something like ‘love’ or ‘happy’ or ‘sing’.

语法结构的变化比在这里列出的要多。但一些最明显的因素是,在编程语言中,单词没有可分离的部分(如英语cat-s组成复数)(=没有形态)(注:但是编程语言中有另一种可分离的形式,就是自定义的标识符,驼峰/下划线命名法),而且通过括号、换行符或其他标记,嵌入往往在编程语言的两边都有明显的标记,而口语通常只有一个词(如 “that”)连接嵌入的句子,有时甚至没有词。这也是在计算机上解析人类语言如此困难的另一个原因。
The grammatical structures vary in more ways than are easy to list here. But some of the most obvious factors are that words don’t have separable parts in programming languages (like English cat-s to form a plural) [=no morphology], and that via brackets, line breaks or other markers, embedding tends to be overtly and clearly marked on both sides for the parser in programming languages, whereas spoken languages usually only have one word (like “that”) linking embedded sentences, and sometimes no word at all. This is another reason that parsing human languages is so hard on a computer.

在一个非常普遍的意义上,编程语言并不用于双向交流,而且可能不适合被视为与自然语言相同意义上的 “语言”。
In a very general sense, programming languages aren’t used for bidirectional communication and may not properly be considered “languages” in the same sense as natural languages.

最根本的是,值得一问的是,编程语言是否有意义,或者它们是否只是指令。这类似于中国房间的思想实验–给你一本关于如何翻译中文的说明,但没有真正理解它,拿着这本书的人(或计算机)会被认为 “知道 “中文吗?可能不会。计算机并不 “了解 “任何东西,它只是做指令所要求的。因此,编程语言没有语义/意义。它们只是指令,可以转化为电子信号,仅此而已。
Most fundamentally, it is worth asking if programming languages even have meaning, or if they are just instructions. This is similar to the Chinese room thought experiment— given a book of instructions for how to translate Chinese, but without actually understanding it, would a human (or computer) with that book be considered to “know” Chinese? Probably not. A computer doesn’t “know” anything, it just does what the instructions tell it to. Therefore, programming languages have no semantics/meaning. They just are instructions, which translate into electronic signals, nothing more.

Torben Ægidius Mogensen:

programming languages are specified a priori, where natural languages are described based on their usage.

This has several consequences: One is that the meaning of a phrase in natural language may not be universally agreed upon, and may even change over time. The meaning of a phrase in a programming language has only one meaning (if the language designers did their job well), and it will usually not change over time — new constructs may be added, but old constructs rarely change meaning.

One of the earlier answers said that programming languages are designed to be understood by machines. I do not agree: Programming languages are designed for people to read and write, and need to be translated before machines can understand them. The main reason we do not use natural language to program computers is that humans are notoriously bad at expressing themselves unambiguously and precisely in natural languages.

Bruce Richardson:

Human languages are more complex than programming languages. The syntax and grammar is more complex, the semantics more nuanced, the vocabulary much larger.

Greg Kemnitz:

In addition to the technical aspects of formal grammars and such things, a computer language has no external context.

人类的语言充满了寓言、类比以及历史和文化参考,使一个短语或一个词能够承载巨大的意义。你如何用计算机语言表达 “跨越卢比肯河”、”咬苹果”、”红色药丸 “或 “我有一个梦想”?
A human language is full of allegory, analogy, and historical and cultural references that allow a short phrase or a word to carry vast weight of meaning. How do you express “crossing the Rubicon”, “biting the apple”, “the red pill”, or “I have a dream” in a computer language?

一个计算机程序必须是完全自我定义的。与 “类比 “或 “引用 “最接近的可能是操作系统服务或计算机程序使用但不试图实现的外部工具,但即使是这样,该服务也必须在计算机程序的操作环境中完全实现和定义好,否则它就没有功能。
A computer program must be completely self-defining. The closest equivalent to “analogies’ or “references” might be OS services or external utilities that the computer program uses but does not attempt to implement, but even there, the service must be completely implemented and well-defined in the operating environment of the computer program, or it is nonfunctional.

We already got this from the previous paragraph, but let’s repeat it again: the main function of languages, be it Python or Chinese, is communication. This is the most important similarity between them, and one of the main reasons we refer to both of them as languages.

Another important feature that they have in common is structure. Two of the main concepts in linguistics are semantics and syntax.

Semantics refers to the meaning of a certain word, or rather an information connected to a certain concept. For example, a word eat applies to a specific action living organisms can do.

Syntax, on the other hand, is a set of rules that tell us how to arrange and combine words and phrases.

两者紧密相连,只有结合在一起才能创造出一个功能齐全的表达。以一个句子 “床吃东西 “为例:虽然从语法的角度看它是正确的,但从语义上看它是错误的,因为床没有生命,所以不能吃东西。
The two are closely intwined and only together can create a fully functioning expression. Take a sentence Bed eats as an example: while it’s correct from the point of view of a syntax, semantically it’s wrong since a bed is not alive and therefore cannot eat.

Similarly to natural languages, programming languages distinguish between syntax and semantics. Every programming language is written with a certain idea or intention in mind (semantics) while following the set of rules around the use of variables, functions, different kinds of parenthesis, colons, etc. (syntax).

It is also important to point out that both form language families, or groups of related languages that branch one from another. We all have heard of the Indo-European language family, that includes English, among many other languages. Programming languages have their own families of language with relatively similar syntax and/or semantics.

While speaking about the structure of languages, let’s not forget to mention morphology. Morphology is the study of words, their formation, their relationship with other words in the same language, as well as the ways context can change a word’s pronunciation and meaning. While morphology plays a very important role in the analysis of human languages, we can’t really say that programming languages have anything similar to it.

First of all, programming languages are artificial creations. This means that all of their rules and definitions were designed beforehand, which allows for them to be fully described and studied in their entirety. Their grammar is self-defining, and it doesn’t change depending on the context. Think about it this way: every line of code has either zero or one meaning (in other words, it either contains an error or it’s a valid program you can run). There are no synonyms (although Ruby’s .map and .collect could be seen as synonyms, for example), allegories, analogies, historical or cultural references. Because of this, programming languages don’t really have morphology, at least not the same way human languages do.

Second, due to the fact that they follow very strict set of rules, programming languages can’t evolve and develop the same way human languages do (although we could say that programming languages evolve through various libraries). There’s no room for errors or improvisation. On the other hand, human languages are full of imperfections. Just think of dialects, slang, jargon, argot (secret language used by a certain group that’s incomprehensible to outsiders), namesake, accents, mispronounced words, typos, irregular punctuation and many other aspects of human languages that don’t disrupt the message we’re trying to communicate.

And the message human languages communicate is both logical and emotional. If spoken, it involves body language, intonation, volume, and many other nonverbal clues. In fact, languages are much defined by the physical attributes of human bodies (eyes, tongue, hands), and are for that reason unique to humans. None of these applies to programming languages. Although highly skilled programmers can develop their own styles of writing code, the nature of that code remains the same: logical, precise, perfectly unambiguous. Which shouldn’t come as a surprise, since the foundation of all programming languages are billions and billions of 1s and 0s.

These languages are also different from one another in the case of grammar. Programming wording does not follow any of the grammar rules. This concept is only in humans.

If anyone wanted to implement grammar in programming then the code will not work because the computer is not understanding that what a person is saying.

Programming sentences are not dependent on grammar only humans’ sentences are dependent on it.

In the case of sentences, it is the only concept of natural languages. In programming languages, there is no concept of sentences. Because all the information is covered by few words. If you will write a big code in one line to make it a sentence then it will not work.

The two forms are still languages at a very fundamental level, not just by name. They were both essentially created to achieve one goal: to communicate. In particular, to communicate ideas and expressions. And in some cases, instructions.

NL and PL
Changan NIU